Why We Fight

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Plan

We have tried to describe the danger we as a nation face. We have presented a detailed proposal to restore the government to the people. This post will give a blue print of exactly how to accomplish our goals.

Both Political parties have done their best to prevent such an uprising. If a person chooses to run as an independent candidate for the House or the Senate obstacles have been placed in their path. We will use Ohio as an example. A House candidate running for either party needs fifty signatures to place their name on the ballot. Independent candidates: Based on the number of votes cast in the congressional district in the last general election for governor need:

Number of Votes Cast

Number of Signatures

Fewer than 5,000

25, or a number equal to
5 percent of the vote (whichever is less)

5,000 or more

1 percent of vote

Senate candidates Signature Requirements (R.C. 3513.05, 3513.257):
1. Major party candidates: 1,000 signatures
2. Minor party candidates: 500 signatures
3. Independent candidates: 5,000 signatures

The filing deadline for both the House and the Senate is the day before the Primary Election Day for Independents. It is a rare event when an independent wins a House or Senate seat. Yet it can be done on a large scale in this manner.

First we have to have the candidates for these offices. We need the 435 people needed to run for the House seats and 28 for the open US Senate seats. We have less than four months for these candidates to step forward and gather the signatures needed to get on the ballots. When we have our candidates in place we go house to house in every district of the land. We talk directly to the people. This stealth approach will be more effective than the millions of dollars spent in advertising by the major parties. We will keep reminding the people that every pension and all wealth have been placed in jeopardy. We will let them know that we are in danger of economic collapse. We will inform them that nearly all states, counties, cities, and villages are in the same danger. They have to be told that their present Representative or Senator did not write or read these major bills passed in the past year. They have to understand that no matter how eloquently a position is presented that the hidden details of that position will destroy us.

The men, women, and candidates that go door to door in each district will also campaign for the Independent candidates for the US Senate from their state. The candidates for the House and Senate will be linked together. If the people truly want change, they will be asked to support both their district candidates and their State's Senate candidate. We will also do as Newt Gingrich did in 1994. We will go to Washington DC and as a body swear before the American People that we will pass these reforms. We have this one election were the American people are united against corruption and debt. This may be our only chance to reverse our demise before, "we go quietly into that good night". Please join us and for the first time in our existence place a group of men and women into the congress that truly represent us. We do not care what the movement is called or who gets the credit. Help us save this great Republic.

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