Why We Fight

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What's Wrong with Socialism? Just This.

So, a lot of people are calling Barack Obama a socialist, and his minions a regime promoting non-stop Socialism. A lot of good “progressive” European, South American and Asiatic governments could be described as Socialist. So what’s wrong with that?

First, there is the tricky matter of definitions. What exactly is Socialism? Is it the same as liberalism, a progressive welfare state, Marxism, or Communism? Essentially, ALL are political economies involving “forced charity,” where the community organizers get the real goodies: they (the organizers/bureaucrats/politicians) get the lion’s share of the goodies.

Speaking of lions, a baby lion, or a year old cub, the experienced lioness, or a seasoned predator, such as the mean-tempered old male who rules the pride, are all lions. The extent of their predation is quite different, but they all “eat other animals.” Or at minimum, make other animal lives a living hell.

Some independent animals occasionally stand up against the lions. Especially the bigger animals, or small ones brave enough to “team up against the lions.”

But even the big animals, which mostly can take care of themselves, lose their children (or their futures) on a regular basis. Eventually big, strong animals become old and weak, and that’s when the predators “move in.”

While lions are universally feared, some of the animals make out fine from lion predations; they get to eat part of the big kills, the leftovers. Most of these creatures make their living off what lions leave after they take their fill. These animals are grateful to lions for providing for them, haphazard as it sometimes becomes.

Effective propaganda would tell you that lions “do a lot of good for the environment, besides, we can’t do much about them anyway, without endangering ourselves.”

Or, “those of you with parasitic instincts will make out best living under the rule of lions…they will take care of you!” Until, of course, it’s your turn to be eaten.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

However, predators have more needs.

That, folks, is Socialism in a nutshell. The bloody shades of redness are just a matter of degree. If you are an ordinary animal, pink liberalism only gets a bite out of you now and then. (But, it still hurts like hell.)

When it evolves into gory red Marxism, or worse, to openly proclaimed Communism, it often takes your life. Meanwhile, “Do what you’re told, believe the propaganda, don’t oppose us, or mess up our kills, and everything will be Utopia.”

Exaggeration? Socialism invariably evolves into murder when things do not work out as the predators require. I invite you to read the superbly well-documented book, Death by Government by R. J. Rummel. In the 20th century alone, over 162,000,000 people were killed by Socialism.
Among them:
61,911,000 Murdered: by Soviet Gulag State
76,702,000 Murdered: by the Communist Chinese
20,946,000 Murdered: by Nazi Genocide State
2,035,000 Murdered: by The Khmer Rouge Hell State
1,670,000 Murdered: by Vietnamese Socialists
1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's socialists

These are a staggering numbers, but only statistics, unless YOU are one of them. And, yes, part of this number was attributed to the bloody 12 years of Nazi rule, but then most sophisticated observers of government know that the “Zi part” of Nazi refers to Socialists.
Except for the brief period that Germany and the Soviets were allied by a treaty, almost all the deaths were wrought by communistic Marxian socialists.

If you are getting confused by all the names that Socialism scams under, just think about bad companies or government entities who obfuscate and change their names every year or so to throw off their victims.

Sometimes the propaganda agents actually reverse the meaning of their terms, so as to make people think they are really the good guys: example, the Red states vs. Blue states nomenclature certainly help fool the people. We wouldn’t want to mix up Democrats with pinko/red socialists, now, would we? “Last year we were Liberals, this year we’ll be Progressives.”

Just as the lions are masters of misdirection and stealth, socialists can never be relied on for “transparency,” except for claiming how openly transparent they are. Usually, things are quite the opposite of what socialists represent. All of this helps the predators and their followers to bigger and better kills.

The laughable part of Socialism is that socialists see it as a system based on morality and compassionate righteousness. “What would Jesus do to help the poor?” Wouldn’t he require that we take care of the downtrodden?”

Are we experiencing real Christian compassion with socialist measures? Would Jesus take your money at sword-point and give it to “His selected poor?” Would Jesus marshal the awesome power of the Roman Empire to enrich himself and his disciples, all in a grand gesture of allowing predators to help their needy constituents?

What is morally correct? Helping others with your personal charity and loving individual attention, or using the dreadful power of a modern state to force everyone (ultimately with a gun) to give to socialist causes.

Capitalists, by contrast, point no guns at your head to get you to buy goods that make them rich.

When government schemes to take money out of your pocket by force, and put it into the pockets of other individuals, this is Socialism. It’s not reasonable taxation for the good of the entire community. It is an unlimited levy taken from you, and used to buy the votes of other individuals to keep socialists in power. Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) put it succinctly:

“It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.”

Our Founding Fathers gave us a remarkable Constitution, which is the antithesis of Socialism. It has brought us more liberty and wealth than the world has ever known. The true American tradition is to follow the original Constitution and just laws. Once the law is bastardized into whatever law it takes to keep parasites in power, when politicians lie under oath that they will preserve and defend the Constitution, we are no longer America.

Sure, those in power have allowed some unscrupulous capitalists to corner some of our markets. They have exploited people. But most of these so-called businessmen use the power of the state, often disguised Socialism or other legal plunder, to rig markets in their favor.

Even then, crony capitalists use no guns and coercion to force others. Only the state can sustain an evil monopoly. Only the state can force you into buying what you do not want, such as health insurance. Only predatory government can do these things on a horrific scale. And the worst of all governments have been Socialist.

The promises of clever socialists, such as Lenin and Castro, never came true. Instead of ridding the people of the flaws of capitalism, they brought about poverty on a grand scale, along with secret police, neighborhood spies, terror, prisons, political executions and other death.

Socialist regimes require severe limitations on free speech, because without these the upside down morality is quickly revealed. Public theft of individual property is exposed. Thugs are identified and lies are uncovered.

Lies are so vital to the existence of Socialism, that it cannot exist without them. Where there is theft on a grand scale, lies are a vital necessity. Where elites take what is not theirs, and murder the weak and innocent, falsehoods are critical to hide what’s really going on. The past is air-brushed or totally misrepresented, the present is fabricated and the future risibly fantasized.

Unless you acknowledge that you are a parasite and a predator, willing to live a life of perpetual lies, Socialism is not the course for you.

Aircaptain February 20, 2010

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