Why We Fight

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Monday, December 20, 2010

Governing by Decree Against a United America

On August 28th I stood on the Mall in Washington D. C. gazing into the faces of my fellow countrymen. They had come by the thousands to make what could be our last stand. They had brought their hopes, they had brought their dreams, and they had brought their children so they would learn of the true America. In their faces I saw honesty, courage, and determination. They listened to the speakers with courtesy. Their manners were apparent. I did not hear one unkind word against anyone. Yet the enemies of our great nation were beside themselves. We were called everything from racist to radical. But we could feel their fear. It was in their rants that the fear most expressed itself.

August slowly faded and we began marching to November. The great progressive leaders began to say that they would slaughter us at the polls. Pelosi and Reid said that conservatives might gain a few seats but we would not be a factor. They were sure that America just loved what they had done. Even the President said that he had not noticed us on that fine summer's day on the Mall. On November 2nd they finally heard our shout. A great victory occurred but Pelosi, Reid, and Obama said that it was nothing that they had done. They reasoned that we were a bunch of radicals that would never be pleased no matter how much they had done for us. The Democratic Party was decimated leaving only socialists or communists in the house. Then began the lame duck session of Congress were Pelosi declared herself Queen promising to continue her failure for another two years. She again shouted it wasn't me. The President stood before us and said you will do as I say no compromise. Reid had another I have a Dream Act speech. Then we witnessed the further destruction of the Democratic Party when after compromise was finally reached on taxes a great rebellion occurred in the House. The tail of the snake tried to wag the head. As the President looked out over his domain he shouted I did what you asked I have nearly crushed capitalism. I have apologized to all. I have sacrificed our treasury for the greater good. As the saying goes they will never be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The Democratic Party maybe beyond repair as a mass exodus has begun in the South where Democrats by the dozens have abandoned their Party and declare themselves Republicans. This is the direct result of Presidents actions but he lays no claim to the destruction.

Next Wikileaks attacks our great nation and our Attorney General and the President ignore the threat. We are not afraid of someone with a laptop and a web address we are told. But now they decide that they need to control the flow of information to protect us from the likes of Fox News and every conservation talking head. We are in great peril because an unapologetic President has chosen to rule by executive order and bypass our dully elected officials. He plans to impose card check through the National Labor Relations Board. He plans to impose carbon dioxide regulations through the EPA to achieve Climate Control. He plans to force Net Neutrality through the FCC. Each of these things was defeated in Congress. In fact the court ruled that the FCC could not arbitrarily enforce Net Neutrality. We must rise up with one voice and say no. Let the world know that no one can bypass our Constitution and enforce his will upon us.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"A Government of the People, by the People, for the People"

The Republic of the United States is in its greatest danger since the Civil War. Extremist have taken over a major political party and are wreaking havoc on our nation. These radicals and their accomplices in the main stream media are trying to portray all dissent as racial or objection to health care. They are neither. The tremendous outcry is for freedom.

The new slavery will be economic. It will transcend all races. We will have a country of those who pay taxes and those who do not. When the majority of Americans are in the latter group free elections are a thing of the past.

Those who have no idea what is happening are supporting an agenda that will destroy our nation. When this comes about they will scream in protest but there will be no one left to listen.

In 1953 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev uttered these words, “We will bury you. We will defeat America without firing a shot”. It was the joke of the age. It was further discredited with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Unknown to us the Soviets had placed agitators among us. The riots of the 1960's and 1970's were the direct result of their policies. We the People successfully defeated this attempt at violent overthrow. We went about our daily lives and forgot about those nasty times.

Those that participated in the violence did not. They infiltrated key institutions throughout the land and became respectable. They then began the takeover of our major institutions, colleges, news media, government, and a political party. An economic storm has placed them in a position that they have aspired to for nearly a half a century. They are now close advisors to the President of the United States.

This condition has been perpetuated by the President who places unvetted "czars" at the highest levels of government with the sole purpose of transforming the United States. The President has bypassed all checks and balances that the Constitution provides.

The Democrats in both houses of Congress have betrayed the trust of the American People. One Congressman stated that they follow no rules and make them up as they go. Another Congressman stated that the Healthcare Bill was passed to control the people. A vast majority of the people wanted some heath care reform, (nearly 80 percent of us). But 65 percent of us did not want this bill. Yet a President and a Political party forced it upon us.

We as a People must stand up to this threat. We must support the millions of Democrats who believe in freedom. We must assist them in returning their party to the political center.

The Democrats neither wrote nor read the bill they inflicted upon us. They are irrelevant. The seats they occupy do not belong to the Democratic Party anymore than the Republican seats belong to the Republican Party. They belong to the American people and not the highest bidder.

If we do not stand up for freedom no one else will. Do not let us become what our Ancestors escaped.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I would proudly call myself a "Birther," yet,

I believe Obama is, or was, a U.S. citizen. But he provides no credible proof of this.

I believe he was probably born in Hawaii. But no one has provided proof of this.

I don't believe he was born in Kenya. But there is no proof of that, either.

I have sworn, as has Obama, “to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” So, this drives my inquiry

But the likelihood that this man is a "natural born citizen," as required by the Constitution, is very, very unlikely. He does not appear to meet the legal tests of "jus soli" AND "jus sanguinis” in a unified way.

The term jus sanguinis describes a person born of parents who are citizens and jus soli describes a person born in the country. There was no "Unity of Citizenship" at the time of his birth to make him a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. This is a specific category of citizenship UNDER OUR FUNDEMENTAL LAW. One must be natural born to be President. Dual citizens cannot be natural born. Such has been a requirement of the U.S. Constitution since the beginning of the Republic.

Inasmuch as Barrack’s father was a British subject at the time of his birth, he cannot be a "natural born citizen." Further, his mother was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship (at least 5 years over the age of 14). Gone jus sanguinis! Hence, not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, maybe only a U.S. citizen, which is NOT ENOUGH TO BE PRESIDENT.

In addition to that, he was later adopted and renamed by a foreigner, Lolo Soetoro, when he was a child, and undoubtedly lost his U.S.citizenship then, which he may have gotten under the principle of "jus soli."

He was at one point a citizen of Indonesia, a country that required proof-certain of his Indonesian citizenship. Otherwise "Barry Soetoro" could not have attended school there. This adoption probably stripped away his American citizenship entirely, requiring it to be restored through a legal process, if it ever was. Also, there should have been a legal name change, of which no one can produce a record. These loose ends could be problematic. The consequense could be nullification of every order, proclaimation and law promulgated during Obama’s term as “President.”

An ugly fact here is that Barrack Obama has spent well over a million dollars, much of it taxpayer money, to obstruct access to the truth about his birth, background and eligibility. We do not even have credible evidence of his hospital birth in Honolulu. Why is that? People in Hawaii understandably would like to celebrate the details of his birth, but credible details are “hazy.”

Why are so many documents, which go to the issue of his citizenship, hidden or lost? Why can we not know his true identity? Why would he ever allow his election campaign operatives publish such an amateurish forgery of his "birth certificate" on the internet? Why will he not quickly assure us that he is truly a natural born citizen?

Regardless of all these legal twists and turns, Obama will not provide a skeptical America with a genuine record of his birth or legal and academic past, documents that, if exposed, would cause him enormous embarrassment and legal difficulties. The exposure of these documents, which will inevitably come out, may also cause a Constitutional crisis, and a market nightmare for the country, if the timing is off. A bad thing for a man claiming to love transparency.

Our Founding Fathers placed this requirement for (only) the President to be a natural born citizen to protect our country from foreign influence. There are some out here who feel a strong foreign influence in the words and actions of this "radical president." Some days it seems like Barack Obama shows a lot more devotion to foreign ideas, such as Marxian Socialism, Islam and world government, than to our Founders' American ideals of individual liberty, private property and limited government. That is why the examination of Obama's most untransparent past is so compelling.

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words"

The only agency of the United States Government that has ever created more wealth than it has destroyed is the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA). The innovations developed from this single agency touch our lives in ways that most cannot imagine. From the preparation of our food, to the clothes we wear, from communication to transportation the list is endless.

A man of great foresight stepped forward to lead a nation. He dared us to be great. His vision became our dream. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) said, "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too."

His words electrified a nation. We were in the midst of a recession and many were in far worse condition than today. The people of that time lived within their means and did not expect a government handout. JFK cut taxes and unleashed the great machine of capitalism. We embarked on one of the greatest adventures of all time. From the young to the old all were mesmerized by seven explorers that dared to venture into the unknown. The seven original Mercury Astronauts were like the knights of old in a new Camelot. President Kennedy told us, "the growth of our science and education will be enriched by new knowledge of our universe and environment, by new techniques of learning and mapping and observation, by new tools and computers for industry, medicine, the home as well as the school. Technical institutions, such as Rice, will reap the harvest of these gains."
Why did John Kennedy take us to the moon? "Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, "Because it is there."
"Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked."

That day in 1962 at Rice University, JFK stepped into the world of history as a man of great vision and a great leader. He placed no energy into driving an agenda. He drove a dream.

It has been forty-eight years since John Kennedy gave that speech. We now have a new leader. Another man of great intellect now leads the nation into a new frontier. His vision is the exact opposite of Kennedy's. Where JFK was bold Barack Obama (BO) is faint. Where JFK dared BO cringed. Where JFK drove a dream BO drove an agenda.
The greatest generator of capital created by a Government, NASA, has been hobbled. A man lacking vision has instead saw fit to pursue an agenda. He has taken the assets of NASA and decided to use them to monitor the environment of good old planet Earth. Even though the religion of man made global warming has been proven to be a progressives fairy tale BO has spoken. He has taken the greatest race horse the world has ever known and chained it to a plow.

I do believe that a mans actions speak far louder than his words.