Why We Fight

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"A Government of the People, by the People, for the People"

The Republic of the United States is in its greatest danger since the Civil War. Extremist have taken over a major political party and are wreaking havoc on our nation. These radicals and their accomplices in the main stream media are trying to portray all dissent as racial or objection to health care. They are neither. The tremendous outcry is for freedom.

The new slavery will be economic. It will transcend all races. We will have a country of those who pay taxes and those who do not. When the majority of Americans are in the latter group free elections are a thing of the past.

Those who have no idea what is happening are supporting an agenda that will destroy our nation. When this comes about they will scream in protest but there will be no one left to listen.

In 1953 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev uttered these words, “We will bury you. We will defeat America without firing a shot”. It was the joke of the age. It was further discredited with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Unknown to us the Soviets had placed agitators among us. The riots of the 1960's and 1970's were the direct result of their policies. We the People successfully defeated this attempt at violent overthrow. We went about our daily lives and forgot about those nasty times.

Those that participated in the violence did not. They infiltrated key institutions throughout the land and became respectable. They then began the takeover of our major institutions, colleges, news media, government, and a political party. An economic storm has placed them in a position that they have aspired to for nearly a half a century. They are now close advisors to the President of the United States.

This condition has been perpetuated by the President who places unvetted "czars" at the highest levels of government with the sole purpose of transforming the United States. The President has bypassed all checks and balances that the Constitution provides.

The Democrats in both houses of Congress have betrayed the trust of the American People. One Congressman stated that they follow no rules and make them up as they go. Another Congressman stated that the Healthcare Bill was passed to control the people. A vast majority of the people wanted some heath care reform, (nearly 80 percent of us). But 65 percent of us did not want this bill. Yet a President and a Political party forced it upon us.

We as a People must stand up to this threat. We must support the millions of Democrats who believe in freedom. We must assist them in returning their party to the political center.

The Democrats neither wrote nor read the bill they inflicted upon us. They are irrelevant. The seats they occupy do not belong to the Democratic Party anymore than the Republican seats belong to the Republican Party. They belong to the American people and not the highest bidder.

If we do not stand up for freedom no one else will. Do not let us become what our Ancestors escaped.