Why We Fight

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Monday, December 20, 2010

Governing by Decree Against a United America

On August 28th I stood on the Mall in Washington D. C. gazing into the faces of my fellow countrymen. They had come by the thousands to make what could be our last stand. They had brought their hopes, they had brought their dreams, and they had brought their children so they would learn of the true America. In their faces I saw honesty, courage, and determination. They listened to the speakers with courtesy. Their manners were apparent. I did not hear one unkind word against anyone. Yet the enemies of our great nation were beside themselves. We were called everything from racist to radical. But we could feel their fear. It was in their rants that the fear most expressed itself.

August slowly faded and we began marching to November. The great progressive leaders began to say that they would slaughter us at the polls. Pelosi and Reid said that conservatives might gain a few seats but we would not be a factor. They were sure that America just loved what they had done. Even the President said that he had not noticed us on that fine summer's day on the Mall. On November 2nd they finally heard our shout. A great victory occurred but Pelosi, Reid, and Obama said that it was nothing that they had done. They reasoned that we were a bunch of radicals that would never be pleased no matter how much they had done for us. The Democratic Party was decimated leaving only socialists or communists in the house. Then began the lame duck session of Congress were Pelosi declared herself Queen promising to continue her failure for another two years. She again shouted it wasn't me. The President stood before us and said you will do as I say no compromise. Reid had another I have a Dream Act speech. Then we witnessed the further destruction of the Democratic Party when after compromise was finally reached on taxes a great rebellion occurred in the House. The tail of the snake tried to wag the head. As the President looked out over his domain he shouted I did what you asked I have nearly crushed capitalism. I have apologized to all. I have sacrificed our treasury for the greater good. As the saying goes they will never be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The Democratic Party maybe beyond repair as a mass exodus has begun in the South where Democrats by the dozens have abandoned their Party and declare themselves Republicans. This is the direct result of Presidents actions but he lays no claim to the destruction.

Next Wikileaks attacks our great nation and our Attorney General and the President ignore the threat. We are not afraid of someone with a laptop and a web address we are told. But now they decide that they need to control the flow of information to protect us from the likes of Fox News and every conservation talking head. We are in great peril because an unapologetic President has chosen to rule by executive order and bypass our dully elected officials. He plans to impose card check through the National Labor Relations Board. He plans to impose carbon dioxide regulations through the EPA to achieve Climate Control. He plans to force Net Neutrality through the FCC. Each of these things was defeated in Congress. In fact the court ruled that the FCC could not arbitrarily enforce Net Neutrality. We must rise up with one voice and say no. Let the world know that no one can bypass our Constitution and enforce his will upon us.