Friday, January 15, 2010
Great Lies and Great Truths
Great Lie No. 1) We have been told that Capitalism has failed. This is untrue. Capitalism never fails but government manipulated Capitalism always fails. When our Congressmen and Senators went out of their way to prevent an investigation into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they insured our economic destruction. In Congresses great rush to equalize us they began dictating the rules to the banking system. They made sure that all Americans had a house whether they earned it or not. The banks, a business, did what any business would do they tried to spread their liability around to alleviate the risk. The volume of risk created by Congress became too great to absorb causing the collapse. I am not defending the Banking Industries practices where greed overcame common sense. But the hypocrites in Congress have been holding hearings into our collapse and acting as if they were not part of the problem. Now these same destroyers are announcing to the world that they have the answers to cure our problems. Laughable wouldn't you say.
Great Lie No.2) Government is the answer and also the greatest Ponzi scheme in the History of Mankind. The Government can fix it all. Just let us spend enough and all will be well. Every program that the Government has started has been a failure. Social Security began as a pay as you go Program. Then Social Security was transformed into a welfare program. It is not running a deficit of Trillions of dollars. Medicare began as a great boon to the elderly that was meant to be self sustaining. It too is running a deficit of Trillions of dollars. Medicaid another great boondoggle is also running a deficit of Trillions of dollars. The establishment of the Dept. of Education assured the destruction of our educational system. The great no child left behind program insured that they all would be equalized by destroying our best and brightest. Bernie Madoff will spend. the rest of his life in jail for a billion dollar Ponzi scheme and he should be joined by 535 so called leaders in the House and Senate of the United States.
Great Lie No.3) We are the problem. Our great I Man went around the world telling all that would listen how sorry we are for what we had done to them. We are the cause of their Poverty. We are the reason for the great Terror Movement. We are the cause of their leader's stupidity. We are the cause for their lack of water, sunshine, or what ever.
Great Truth No. 1) Capitalism is the only ism that has ever worked in the world. Never in the History of Mankind has a nation known such prosperity as in the United States. Never have common men been allowed to rise to their level of ambition as in the United States. No matter what your background or race you could rise to great heights. It has happened throughout our history and continues to happen today. Ask yourself this question. Why did China and Russia turn to Capitalism to save themselves? Capitalism has allowed America to have the richest poor people in the world. No other Country cares for their people as we do. No Country is as generous as we are. When Haiti screamed for help who stepped forward immediately, was it Cuba, Venezuela, or Russia. They all yelled for America. The reason is Capitalism.
Great Truth No. 2) Government is the problem. We were told that if we did not pass last years great stimulus bill immediately that our unemployment would hit 8%. Where does it stand now? We were told that certain individuals were the only ones to fix our problems even though they had broken our laws. How well have they done? We were told by our great vice president that we were bankrupt and the only way to save us was to spend more. How is that one working out? The I Man says fixing health care would bolster our economy. HOW? We are also told that we have to save the planet by giving Trillions of our wealth to poor countries. For the great intellectuals to realize their dreams they have to do two things. Kill God and bankrupt us and presently they are winning. For they have placed at risk all pensions, all savings, and all forms of wealth.
Great Truth No. 3) The United States is the greatest Country on earth. Three times in the past century the United States stepped forward to save the world. Two great world wars and a cold war were won by our economic and military power. If not for us the world would live in darkness. Our great I Man says that we must not offend our enemies. So we treat them as criminals and give them rights that they do not deserve. The I Man does this in the name of decency or so he says. But the I Man should read our history. We have never known peace without victory. If are enemies are not subjugated we will be forever at their mercy. Only when we allow others to dictate our solutions do we diminish our selves.
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