Why We Fight

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our Great I-MAN

When George Washington, won the Revolutionary War, he was asked to assume the Presidency for life, he refused. How do you think Our Great I-MAN would have responded? Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here." Where do you think the buck stops with Our Great I-MAN? Ronald Reagan said, "When Government expands liberty Contracts." What would Our Great I-MAN say to this?

The Muslim world has there Imams. They speak pointedly without shame for whatever position they take, whether it is for good or evil. Our Great I-MAN gives us a stern look and says, "Let me be clear." Yet we never are. Our Great I-MAN cannot understand why his children will not blindly follow him. In his State of the Union Address he blamed everyone especially the Republicans. He reserved a small sliver for himself, very small. Yet the truth is that his own Party was to blame for his lack of success.

Our Great I-MAN says, "Do as I say not as I do. You are broke, but I can spend as much as I see fit. Those bad banks are to blame but just let me get my hands on them. Those car companies went crazy but now they will listen. How dare Fox News question my intentions? Those evil black robed people on the Supreme Court are going to allow foreign Governments to control our elections. Come worship at my altar and we will transform America."

I was told I would be known by the company I kept. Well Our Great I-MAN makes no secret about who are his closest friends and advisors. I wonder if Senator Joe McCarty is looking down on all of this and yelling, "I told you so." Can you imagine a conservative surrounding himself with skinheads and Klan members? We as a nation defeated Fascism, Communism, and Socialism throughout the World but not at home. This Nation must put it's foot down. The children of Philosophy are out of control and they are running rampant throughout our country. Their intellectual fantasies are about to destroy a great nation, where apathy also runs rampant.

For over two hundred years we have lived under a constitution created by wise men who foresaw times such as these. During those years politicians have been hard at work trying to circumvent that great document for their own ends. If we do not stand up and protect the Constitution and reform our political process we are doomed to follow all great societies that have gone before us.

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